As you can see in our video section, we have finally got our Technique and Connection DVD up in English and French now…. You have the option to purchase a Tier 1 or Tier 2 membership.
Tier 1 only allows access to one video, whereas Tier 2 allows access to both!!
As you can see, Tier 1 is $30, and Tier 2 is $55…. So you will be getting a slight discount on one of the DVDs 😉
If you have already purchased our first Tier 1 membership, you do not have to pay $55 to get the second tier…. you will only have to pay $25!! Â But in order to get to that option you will need to put in a discount code….. If you are interested in that, please send us an email to and we will give you the access code to receive your discount!!!!!
Hopefully by the end of May we will have more DVDs to offer for you!!
DVDs we are currently working on include: Technique & Connection part 2, Musicality, Body Movement for Styling, and some pattern based DVDs for the leaders who might need a little extra help with some creativity 😉
Please stick around for any news we may have on the DVDs, and as always…….
-Maxime and Torri 😉